COVER STAR: After consoling the world in lockdown with his hit ballad ‘Stand up For The Heroes’, ‘Dar.Ra’ gets the world dancing with a Colombian Carnival rock groove on ‘Rise Like The Sun’

While we as a world speed forward on an uncharted flight to an unknowable destination, predictions and hearsay is all you hear in the backseats [Read More…]

SUPPORTING THE UK LOCKDOWN NATION: With comparisons to Pink Floyd, Prince and Ozzy Osbourne, ‘Dar.Ra’ proves a point with his high emotion rock ballad for frontline heroes of the Coronavirus Pandemic, it’s time to officially ‘Stand Up For The Heroes’

Extraordinary times requires the same extraordinary efforts to equalise the situation and none more so has been exemplified by the Keyworkers around the world. While [Read More…]

From The Nation of Ireland: Eccentric and arty Irish Rock star ‘Dar.Ra’ unleashes the official lyric video for ‘Whiskey n Honey’

“Eccentric and arty Irish Rock star ‘Dar.Ra’ unleashes the official lyric video for ‘Whiskey n Honey” – This Sound Nation UK Renown Irish rock solo [Read More…]

Following up hit album ‘New Kinda Normal’, ‘Dar.Ra’ releases a breakthrough new sound and style with the mammoth production of ‘Whiskey n Honey’

Renown Irish rock solo artist Dar.Ra is at it again and this time with a release which fans have been hoping for with the release [Read More…]